People with very empty lives that try to act tough on the internet, little realising they're making themselves look like total idiots. The only pleasure they have in life is signing into sites like YouTube and leaving stupid comments and sending people stupid messages. Usually they can barely spell or form a coherent sentence.
Internet warrior = Real life coward
Just look at the comments on almost any video on YouTube for an example of internet warriors.
by All the good names are taken December 14, 2006
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One who frequents message boards, acting tough and talking down to people to make themselves feel better.
TheJim22 was talking trash over at WBW, what an internet warrior.
by TheZodiac April 19, 2005
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People that spread racism and bigotry through different forms on the internet. They use YouTube, blogs, message boards, and etc. These people are outcasted by society so they do not freely express their toxic views; hence, they use the internet connection in their mom's basement instead. These people are evidence that racial hate, bigotry, xenophobia, etc are still very much alive and well, especially in rural, uneducated, white areas of the United States. It is also a very unsettling fact that these people exist mixed with the general population and that there is mostly no way of telling that they are actually sick and need help.
Internet Warriors do not have the balls to express their views freely in society as the consequences are not pretty.
by James1Heart December 20, 2009
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To be an Internet Warrior your basically someone who acts tough online ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ particularly people who are extremely good at cussing people over a PS4 Party or Snapchat but in real life you donโ€™t do that and little to know your the clown ๐Ÿคก
An Internet warrior can be used in any form

An example if someone is talking a lot over the internet u can say Bro your just some next level internet warrior and u do is talk over the Internet (Net)
by Wavey445 August 26, 2021
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A libertarian. The name comes from their obsessive screeching of "RON PAUL!!!" AND "LIBERTY!!!" on internet forums and YouTube comments, and their angry kneejerk reactions to any criticism of their lord and savior Ron Paul and of libertarianism. The term is similiar to "Social Justice Warrior", which describes similar behavior by far left individuals about their causes.
(The following situation takes place on an message board of some sort)

Person #1: I think that capitalism definitely has some flaws because...


Person #1: Shut the fuck up and let me speak, internet liberty warrior.
by The Dreamer Of Dreams December 23, 2013
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